2024.06.28 その他

2024年度 模擬国連 Part1

On June 20th, the 3rd grade Global English course students took part in the opening session of this year’s Model United Nations. The topic chosen by students this year was “Protecting and supporting refugees fleeing conflict zones”. Each student chose a country they wished to represent in January, and have been researching about their country’s history, and current policy towards refugees. In many cases, information was only available in English, and often in formal ‘white paper’ documents. However, students successfully researched their countries, and gave short opening speeches in this session.
We plan to hold the second session of Model United Nations in the second semester, focusing on discussion sessions and constructing resolutions.

6月20日、3年特進グローバル英語コースの授業の一環として模擬国連を実施しました。今年度のテーマ “Protecting and supporting refugees fleeing conflict zones” (紛争地域から逃れる難民の保護と支援) のもとに生徒たちは難民問題に関して、それぞれが選んだ国の状況や問題に対する解決策などを研究し、今回の模擬国連総会にて各国の代表として発表をしました。

授業担当 Sho Abbott

Model United Nations was an event that I have been looking forward to since I was a junior high school student. First, we chose a country and then we researched about the country. My country was involved in a war, and there was only a refugee policy on that, so I felt difficult because I couldn’t find a current policy for refugees. However, was able to learn about Vietnam, and I could learn more about its history from past to present. I’m glad that I was able to convey the speech well even though I was nervous!!




